Monday, July 20, 2009

Fariss Family Fun Weekend

My parents and sister all journeyed to Coppell this past weekend to visit. They say it was to visit us, but I highly doubt that we were the focus. McKenna did great and her facial expressions are priceless. It was great to spend time with my mom and dad as McKenna is growing every day and she seems to change so much. We are truly blessed by such a precious child, and I am thankful for a few days off to spend with her and her mother!

She did great at her first trip to Sunday morning worship at church. Kendall Jennings and Pam Brawner were responsible for the adorable outfit, and she even kept her hair thingy on almost the whole time (as a male, I am not sure the technical name for the thing--bow, headband, etc?).

We can only hope she does this well as we venture out to Abilene/Andrews this coming week. We will be taking the exercise ball, as it covers a multitude of fussiness. As rookie parents, you can imagine how we will be packing the entire nursery to take with us. As a boy scout, our motto was "Be Prepared", and prepared we will be. I'm not sure how we will take apart the crib to get it into the Camry, but we are always up for a challenge. I'm sure the more seasoned parents can offer advice on what we need and what we don't, so any feedback would be helpful, especially before I head down to the U-Haul facility to secure the largest truck.

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