Friday, May 30, 2008

It's the weekend!

Hey Everyone-
Above you will see a picture of me (holding the big yellow bag) and Patrick's family in Alaska. I thought I should post a picture and it was such a great time that I had to share.

I started my new job about 3 weeks ago and it is going very well. I really like the people I work with and the mission of our store. BTW: I am working at a local health food store and I am a sales consultant. I am there to drive business because it is a concept store and we want to expand and be like Starbucks! Yum!

Anyway, this weekend we are going to see Prince Caspian with our awesome friends Nic and Ashley! Very excited about that and I will let you know how it goes.

Fun Fact: Being married to Patrick Fariss is fun! We have a great life and I very much enjoy every day that we spend together.

Also, our camera is broken but we are getting it fixed and will post lots of pictures. I'm out for now and have a great weekend.
