Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
My Belly!
I thought I would share a few pictures with y'all because I was feeling particularly large tonight, and believe me, I know I am only going to grow larger.

This is my lovely front view...I am only 19 weeks today and I feel massive.
This is me from the side. Fun, fun! But I am pretty sure I am starting to feel her move which is pretty cool.
That is all for now! Sleep well and try not to have bad dreams. :)
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Long time no see!

Hello Friends, Family, etc!
At the request of my husband and my dear friend Katie Marie Riggs Maxwell I am going to start up the blogging again. I should have been doing this all along and I really have no excuse, but alot has happened since this summer (as you can see from my last post.)
Yes, we are having a little baby girl! She is due at the end of May and we don't know what we are going to name her quite yet, but my sweet friend Ashley calls her Figgy Fariss because at one point she was the size of a fig. It has stuck so you can call her Figgy if you like until we figure out what she will be called for the rest of her life :)
We are really excited and feel extremely blessed that we will be parents in about 5 months so I will definitely try to be more diligent about posting pictures with what is going on with us.
As for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year, they were pretty amazing as usual. We spent Thanksgiving with my parents and had delicious food and had lots of family in from California so that was a great time. I got to see my Uncle Mike and Aunt Linda and Patrick got to talk guns with Uncle Mike which I think he seriously enjoyed. He will be going to the gun range soon he got so fired up. He says he now has two women to protect!
We spent Christmas with Patrick's family. It was a great time and we got waaay too much stuff from both sides of the family. We came home and threw stuff away because of all of the stuff we got and luckily Patrick's brother & sister in law (Jen & Landon) are having a garage sale in the spring so we are taking a bunch of other stuff over to their house what seems like every day.
Today is New Year's day and Patrick and I are both a little sick with a head cold or something fun like that. I can't really take alot for it besides Tylenol and just try to let it pass so I am totally having a blast being completely stopped up and I know I am snoring extremely loud at night.
Other than that, not alot is happening. We are really looking forward to 2009 and what it has in store for our family. I will leave you with a few pictures for your enjoyment and maybe a video or two! Have a great evening and a wonderful New Year!
A Christmas Present From my sweet Husband!
Patrick's parents playing the Wii....hilarious!
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